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 • Asociaţia “Florescu-Fernandez&Friends” (România), împreună “Eikeset med 4 Strenger” au lansat proiectul RoWay – NorMania, proiect ce are ca principal scop promovarea artei contemporane, cooperarea culturală internaţională şi transferul de cunoştinţe prin producţia unor evenimente artistice destinate comunităţilor entice, a persoanelor cu dizabilităţi, precum şi publicului larg.

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Granturile SEE{error}eu quero roleta

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  • Programul RO-CULTURA{error}eu quero roleta

    Asociaţia "Florescu,Fernandez & Friends"
    Makcim Fernandez Samodaiev

    • "Florescu-Fernandez&Friends " ( Romania ), together with " Eikeset med 4 Strenger " launched the project RoWay – NorMania , project what is its main purpose promotion Arts contemporary , cooperation growing International and knowledge transfer through production of artistic events for ethnic communities , people with disabilities, and wide public.

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    • Development cultural entrepreneurship is another component of the program being realised through knowledge transfer and survey between organizations from Romania and Norway through job-shadowing activities and education nonformal for 6 professionals into the view growth the degree of exposure of the public to various activities cultural. " The partnership proposed will strengthen collaboration bilateral into the the Arts contemporary between Romania and Norway , by promotion synergy between cultures , facilitating the exchange of experience . Intercultural dialogue will be encouraged through realization tours , works specially composed for this project , of the workshop and organization, job-shadowing meetings . Into the project , the arts addressed and the countries involved are universes differently in itself.

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    The project RoWay – NorMania , funded through EEA grants 2014 - 2021 in the The RO-CULTURE program is implemented by Association Florescu-Fernandez&Friends into the partnership with " Eikeset med 4 Strenger " ( Norway ), in period November 1 , 2022 - October 31, 2023. It has a value total of 940,413.90 lei (190,055.55 euros), value funding grants being 878,203.90 (177,483.05 euros).

    EEA grants{error}eu quero roleta

    The RO-CULTURE program{error}eu quero roleta

    Asociaţia "Florescu,Fernandez & Friends"
    Makcim Fernandez Samodaiev

    Conferinta de lansarte a proiectului